A stat szerint Ty Pennington neve a hívószó, melyre gyűl a vad. Volt aki a feleségét akarta nálam megnézni, illetve csak úgy rám kattintott a messzi USA-ból, mert engem dobott ki a gugli. Igazából el tudom képzelni, amint több száz (igen, ekkora nagyságrendről beszélünk) nyálcsorgató nőnemű egyed Ty Pennington után keres a neten - én ezt igazán meg tudom érteni, de komolyan - aztán nálam köt ki, ahol nincs semmi, csak egy youtube-os link, meg pár odavetett szó magyarul, amit minden bizonnyal képtelenek elovasni. Szóval csak azt akarom írni, hogy engem ez a dolog mélyen megérintett, hogy az USA-ból... és ilyen sokan... és inkább beteszek egy képet, csak, hogy megnyugodjanak a kedélyek. (Nem mellesleg Ty Pennington csupasz mellkasa engem is sokkal inkább lázba hoz, mint a bitumen, amit le kéne penterálnom.)
Ty Pennington seems to be the call of wilds. There are people looking for his wife, others from the far USA click on me just for being one of the hits of Google. I can imagine the hunderds - yes, I meantioned hundreds because that is how much they are - of feverish women looking for Ty Pennington on the internet - I can understand them for sure - then finding my blog where there is nothing, nothing about Ty just a link to youtube, and some words in Hungarian, meaningless for them. What I want to say is that I am deeply touched by the high amount of hits, and from the USA, so now I want to publish a photo about Ty Pennington to pour oil on troubled waters. (By the way the naked chest of Ty Pennington throws me into fever rather than the bitumen I should care about right now at work.)
Ty Pennington seems to be the call of wilds. There are people looking for his wife, others from the far USA click on me just for being one of the hits of Google. I can imagine the hunderds - yes, I meantioned hundreds because that is how much they are - of feverish women looking for Ty Pennington on the internet - I can understand them for sure - then finding my blog where there is nothing, nothing about Ty just a link to youtube, and some words in Hungarian, meaningless for them. What I want to say is that I am deeply touched by the high amount of hits, and from the USA, so now I want to publish a photo about Ty Pennington to pour oil on troubled waters. (By the way the naked chest of Ty Pennington throws me into fever rather than the bitumen I should care about right now at work.)
(A forditásért köszönet Jevának.)
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